my boyfriend stealer is my b.f.f.
Date: Friday, 16 September 2005 (22:41:05) UTC
Topic: Dating Advice

i asked this guy out and he said sure. me and him have been going out for about 3 weeks. then my friend broke up with her boyfriend. and yesterday she asked my boyfriend out. and then he called me and asked me if he could go out with her and me and i didn't wat him to brake up with me so i said sure . and she thinks it is funny. but it is heartbraking to me. so what should i do?

OK first, if your friend asks your boyfriend out, she is not your friend. Second, don't be untrue to yourself just because you think he might break up with you. If you don't want him to see other girls, tell him. If he wants to break up then he's doing you a favor. Do you really want to be with a guy who doesn't respect you? I think you could do a lot better both in your friend and your boyfriend. Good luck.

This article comes from The Boyfriend Stealer's Homepage - How to Get a Boyfriend

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